Welcome to your school photo viewing page!

Greetings, Secret Garden Families. It was an honor to capture your kiddos a couple weeks ago. 

To view your child's school photos, click on the button at the bottom of the page that says ‘SECRET GARDEN PRESCHOOL’. Once you enter, find your child's class and then their individual gallery. Siblings will be in the same folder. You can order prints and digital files right from your gallery. Notice...if you have two children and you are going to purchase the digital files, please pay for the digital media and the sibling add on. Thank you. 

all orders are due by MONDAY MAY 2oTH at midnight. 

I do this because I order all the photos at once to keep costs low. Other than digital files, print orders will not be available after this date. 

Some kids are willing and ready to give me a variety of expressions and some are more reserved. This is why some kids have more photos in their gallery than others. 

I have prepared a video for you to hopefully answer all of your questions. Please note: We will not be providing a free class photo this year. If you still have questions, email me via the connect tab above. This video is of a different class but the process is the same with every school.