This is going to be a first for me. I have never only shared black and white images but for some reason this session speaks louder to me in black and white. While I give every family both color and black and white versions of their images, sometimes the black and white hold more emotion. Being a newborn photographer in Seattle, I have to be able to embrace low and moody light. I have found that this type of light really adds to the deep emotion that is present during the newborn  stage in a family's life. There are so many emotions  present when you have a newborn at home. There is excitement and promise but there is also exhaustion and even a bit of sadness. What I want the families who choose me to photograph them to remember is that it is all beautiful in all of its imperfections. I want them to remember what it felt like to hold that tiny baby in their arms and nuzzle into their soft head. I want them to be reminded of a time that they will never be able to get back however life changing it was. A time that will all seem like a dream in a few years time. I want them to look at their images and feel all of the emotions that they felt when they had their newborn in their arms whether they were good or bad. Life is fleeting and  and you will never understand just how fast everything goes until you have a child.

Baby Lorna, you are so loved.

To see their maternity session, click HERE.
