Still catching up on blogging my Seattle fall family sessions. But, I just feel like I have so many stories to share so I plan to blog them all even if it takes me until this fall. :)
Most of my clients come from word of mouth but this mama found me on Pinterest. I find that so interesting. We met on a sunny fall evening, however it was a bit chilly. Like many of my family photography sessions, we wandered through the park finding beautiful light and lots of fun. Seattle has some of the most gorgeous locations in the world. And guess what? The sun shines here a lot! I never make families do anything but be with each other. I love finding the unique beauty in every family. These three children were some of the most respectful, well behaved children. I could just feel how close these siblings were. The whole family was quiet and peaceful. Their love for each other was so apparent. When the little one got cold, everyone joined in to snuggle her and make her feel comfortable. It was really cute. I loved how dad looked at his family with love and pride. I have a special place in my heart for mother and child images. I feel like even if the mother isn’t a professional photographer, she is typically the photographer of the family. I like to get as many images as I can just being her with her babies.
I always take a lot of photos and I never apologize for that. My images weave a story, a memory. A memory of our time together and this time in their life. I am not after that mantel piece, but rather a collection of images that speak to your family. So, here are a bunch of my favorites from their gallery. If you stop by here, please comment and let me know.